What’s Inspired Me Recently
The Biba Story, 1964-1975 – Fashion & Textile Museum, London
I took a trip with my 79 year old neighbour to see this exhibition. It was a big adventure for her as she was widowed last year and she hasn’t been to London in about 10 years.
We were having one of our frequent Earl Grey tea moments when she said she’d read about this exhibition and how much she used to love Biba when she was in her 20’s. I asked if she fancied a day trip and so we planned our adventure!
I bought some Biba clothes in my teens and 20’s but being (only slightly) younger had never had the chance to go to one of the original shops (see my photo below for a description of what I missed!) or be part of their mail order revolution.

Before the trip Ruth gifted me her original mail order catalogues – I hadn’t realised just what a business powerhouse Barbara Hulanicki was – she basically invented mailorder! And I feel really lucky to have been gifted these important and inspiring items.

I was also inspired by Barbara’s desire to design and make clothes for ‘the people in the street’ and to keep the prices as affordable as possible.
I’m really keen on my jewellery being affordable. I’m working on some Couture pieces at the moment, which will be more limited edition and a higher price due to that and materials, but my core collection will always be ‘ready to wear’ and affordable to treat yourself or your friends and family.